Data Privacy, Risk, Compliance

Manage Risk and Comply with Regulations

Automatically discover and classify sensitive data at scale. Guide people towards proper use of data in their natural workflow.

Abstract of a finger pointing into a lock to showcase managing data Privacy, risk, and compliance
Data Privacy, Risk, Compliance Solutions showcasing membership rules

PII discovery, GDPR & CCPA

Build a privacy-aware data culture for regulatory compliance. Balance visibility of sensitive data with accountability by linking data to related and well defined policies and apply role-based access to risky data where necessary.

Data Privacy, Risk, Compliance Solutions being shown managing policies transparently

Manage policies transparently

Policies are better understood when they are transparent. Create, organize, and manage policies alongside the data catalog to make it actionable. Give context to policies by setting rules and ownership, and link to associated data.

Scale policy application

Operationalize policies by discovering relevant data pursuant to the policies at play. Apply policies at scale with rules and automation, or use granular filtering to pinpoint exact data subject to policies.

Data Privacy, Risk, Compliance Solutions protecting sensitive data

Protect sensitive data

Implement policies by leveraging varying degrees of protection. Mask sensitive data from view for certain group types, or completely lock access to catalog pages based on role. Support bi-directional enforcement of policies at the database level with some sources.

Improve compliance

Empower data consumers to use data compliantly with guidance in their natural workflow. As people view data, TrustFlags signal what data is subject to which policies, such as GDPR and CCPA. TrustCheck highlights associated policies in connected applications, preventing data misuse.

cbus logo

In the catalog, we tag the security classification to data. Whether that's a field, or a source, etc., now, some folks don't have access to some commercial or some sensitive information. We're very keen that we implement the security in our applications – whether it be Redshift, or S3, or the data platform

John Gilbert

Data Governance Manager, CBUS

Oportun logo

The benefits that we have been able to materialize at Oportun using Alation is, one, we now have a governed and self-service model that we can emulate for other state regulatory and compliance requests. As we continue to grow our footprint, we'll have to satisfy more state regulatory requests.

Yash Baghade

Data Governance Manager, Opportun